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Safe and Profitable SuperIntelligence

An iQ White Paper
by Dr. Craig A. Kaplan
July 2024

SuperIntelligence is defined as advanced AI that outperforms humans on any cognitive task. It has a long history but may arrive faster than many researchers think. When it arrives, it will create trillions of dollars in profits and tremendous benefits for humanity. However, SuperIntelligence also poses an existential threat if not developed safely.


Safe designs require solving three related safety problems: 1) The Transparency Problem, 2) The Design Problem, and 3) The Alignment Problem.


Our approach addresses these problems.

Foundations of Cognitive Science
Herbert A. Simon and Craig A. Kaplan (1998)

Cognitive science is the study of intelligence and intelligent systems, with particular reference to intelligent behavior as computation. Although no really satisfactory intensional definition of intelligence has been proposed, we are ordinarily willing to judge when intelligence is being exhibited by our fellow human beings.  


We say that people behave intelligently when they choose courses of action that are relevant to achieving their goals and when they reply coherently and appropriately to questions that are put to them, when they solve problems of lesser or greater difficulty, or when they create or design something useful or beautiful or novel. The reason for applying a single term,  'intelligence," to this diverse set of activities is that we expect that a common set of underlying processes is implicated in performing all of them.

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